Friday 29 June 2018

Photo Free Day!

Yes, a photo free day, so you can all have a rest!

But, just in case you can’t go cold turkey, I’ll share some snaps that missed the cut (and for good reasons!) on previous postings!  

Here the beautiful cows of Gruyères are assemding to heaven. 

I thought outback Oz was the place for flies! Switzerland has their own swarms. 

Language can sometimes get you into trouble! This cheese shredder has an unfortunate title. 

Beautiful tiling patterns on many old rooves. 

Some beautiful deep purple lavender. 

... and a succulent frog!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you are characters, do hope you got one of those cheese graters. Loved it all, and yes it did make a change. I'm going to have another look!! xxx
