Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Besançon 3

Much cooler this morning after another night of rain. No wonder the place is green as... and the city has workers cutting and slashing wherever we go. 

Such a lovely place we are in, we have decided to stay another day. Some housekeeping this morning before we took another long walk around the parts of the city we hadn’t ventured into at this stage. 
Wherever we went the whole town is built from the light coloured sandstone, with no evidence of timber homes anywhere to be seen. Everywhere in France everyone takes a two hour break for lunch. The streets are generally quiet, most shops are closed and parking metres are free. We invariably will arrive in a town during this period, and if you need to buy something then you have to hang around until 2 o’clock when people are back at work. 
Some more random photos from around Besançon:

It appears, too, that the schools send their students home during this time.  I’m sure there are exceptions to these comments, but it does seem to extend the day for the community. The French must be okay with it because there is no move to change. It was interesting that the French Canadians haven’t adopted this in their culture - nor the need for the daily baguette!

1 comment:

  1. Your photos have reminded me what green grass looks like, Besacon is a lovely tidy town, and yes the sandstone is everywhere, its very nice too. xxxx
