Friday, 1 June 2018

Grenay RnR

Today we settled down for some serious RnR, and some serious  housekeeping chores. So, not a lot to be excited about. The highlight of the day was perhaps doing the washing and then watching it dry on a cool, cloudy, windless day. Great fun!

We had a brief chat with the travelling Canadians, Daniel and Lyne, before they left for Lille. It was interesting that some of the very particular French customs, like daily baguette consumption and the two-hour shut down in the middle of the day, has not been transferred to Quebec. 

After lunch we took a long walk to the neighbouring village of Bully-les-Mines, an outer community surrounding Lens. Both Grenay and Bully-les-Mines have a recent past history with the industrialised northern France.  Bothe villages were coal mining areas for over 100 years. Evidence of this industrial past can still be seen - the mines only closing about forty years ago. 

Very much in evidence is the renewal taking place with green open spaces and activity areas for the community. We watched a team of workmen being very particular about the tidiness of the area, with them taking particular care with the shrubs, lawn and flowerbeds. All making it a very inviting place for local recreation. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh they will have those disused rail tracks turned into cycle tracks in time, I'll bet. It is happening everywhere. What a nice tidy place it sounds. What a huge Lidl store bet you had fun in there and replaced your pork pies!! haha xxxxxxx
