Tuesday 22 May 2018

Wales Today

We needed to do some serious shopping at Leamington Spa before driving on to Attingham Park to have lunch and visit the 18th century John Nash designed house.

Built for the first Lord Berwick in 1785, Attingham Hall and its beautiful parkland were owned by one family for more than 160 years. As their fortunes rose and fell they proved themselves to be spenders, savers and saviours - providing a fascinating story of love and neglect whose mark still stands in Attingham’s rooms today.” (National Trust)

After lunch we continued our trip towards North Wales and called into Chirk Castle for a visit. 

Chirk Castle was completed in 1310 to subdue the last princes of Wales. It became a symbol of power in those times but since, after 700 years, it’s interior has been lavishly converted into a comfortable environment. 

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