Wednesday 23 May 2018

Wales - The Most Exquisite Garden

Today we visited the most exquisite garden imaginable! Bodnant Garden lies in the foothills of Snowdonia and enjoys protection from the Irish Sea by being located in its own private valley. The array of colours and fragrances attract the senses at ever stage. The Golden Drop pergola (The Laburnum Arch) was the most outstanding feature, and famous across the UK.

At every turn a new perspective would open up. The garden has been a labour of love over 70 years and results are stunning. 

By this stage we were begining to head south from North Wales, and for a lunch break we called in to Penrhyn Castle. Here we found the Railway Museum — the Welsh love their trains - along with a very pleasantly presented castle. 

Further along the road we stopped again to visit the Plas Newydd Castle on the Isle of Anglesey. Again, we found a dynasty, over centuries, had made fortunes just so another could fritter it away. This family was one of the powerful aristocracts, very closely connected to the monarchy and Prime Ministers. A fascinating look at the rich and powerful! I can’t understand why there wasn’t a French style revolution. 

Beautifully views across the Straights of Menai.

Parts of the famous Whistler painting. 

The Marquess of Anglesey in his military uniform along side a painting of the battle of Waterloo- where he had his leg shot off by a canon ball. 
We later drove through Snowdonia National Park to the town of Borth for our overnight stop.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, simply amazing gardens, you would have been so happy to see this.
    Great photography too. Oh I do love the insides of these great homes, and the interesting history that goes with it all. xx
