Friday, 25 May 2018

Tredegar - Never too far from your next drink!

Well, the Welsh and English weather has stayed with us today - rained non-stop! But, like the food soldiers we are, we battled on!

We thought that the motorways in the south of Wales and around Cardiff may have been a little less hectic that further east, but not to be And the rain didn’t help. 

We had planned to visit Westbury Court  Garden in Gloucestershire but decided against it because of the inclement weather, but we did stop and visit the Morgan linked property of Tredegar, just south of Newport in Wales. 

There had been a house on site since medieval days with the current house tracing its appearance to the Seventeenth century. The house history, again, mirrors so many other wealthy homes with fortunes earned and lost. 

One of the later Morgans kept hiss bath full of wines believing  that you should never too far from your next drink!

We later passed from Wales back to England via the Severn Bridge. 

1 comment:

  1. Yep, been across the Severn Bridge, nice memory. Hope the rain improves for you, at least it must be mild. Nice old home, liked the paintings. xx
