Thursday, 31 May 2018


We can understand why France is lush and green if  the regularity of rain is anything like the downpour this morning. Long rumbling thunder let everyone know that a storm was in the offering- and it was!
Life on the road is slowing down somewhat from the hectic pace we had been on in England and Wales. So, a more leisurely day today with very little distance covered. 
We left the beautiful canal  at St Venant and made our destination Grenay, just on the outskirts of Lens. 

Another welcoming and pleasant place for motorhomes - and there was a French Pastry shop opposite!  
Shortly after we arrived other intrepid travellers arrived in their VR (Vehicle Recreationale), all the way from QuĂ©bec, Canada (🇨🇦 ). 

Lyne and Daniel are at the end of their travels, returning to Canada in a little over a week, but they part own the van and will be continuing their journeys next year. 
We meet many lovely people on our journey,  and Lyne and Daniel are just such people. We spent a number of hours enjoying there company and sharing stories over some beer and wine. 
Back to the van late to cook our evening meals - spaghetti bolonaise!

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Viva la France

Another early rise for the ferry trip to France. Our time of departures was 7.25am but we needed to be at the docks an hour before departure. 
I comment every year as to the sheer numbers of lorries entering and leaving the Dover docks - a constant stream 24/7. Heaven help the UK if the EU tells the Brexitiers to get lost!

On leaving the port the fog in the English Channel was so thick that visibility was only about 20 metres- the ferry’s captain warned that the foghorn would be sounded regularly and not to be concerned! This being one of the busiest waterways in the world. It was noticeable that at certain stages the the ferry reduced its speed considerably - but not another ship in sight!

The stories around about the migrant issues at Calais we’re not in evident. A smooth departure from the very secure terminals.  
We journeyed south of Calais with our feet eat stop being in the village of Ardres, enjoyed a coffee and a very wicked French pastry. 
We continued through very fertile farm land in this northern area of France. The assortment of crops perhaps an indication of the soils fertility. 
Our next stop was by the canal at St Venant. It seems that this is a popular stopping point for mitirehomes for there was a number already lining the canal. 
After the early start for the day we thought that restiing up for the rest of the day was just what the doctor ordered. 

Later in the afternoon we were entertained by the village folk playing boules in the shade of the large chestnut trees. 
Very relaxing. 

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Sheffield Park

A very peaceful night at The Gardeners Arms. Rain greeted us this morning and stayed with us for the rest of the day. 
We had planned to go to Sheffield Park for the morning but had second thoughts when we arrived there as it was raining heavily. A cup of coffee later we did what the English would do, pulled on the anorak and the wellies and got out into it!  Fortunately, the rain had ceased by the time we ventured out.  
Sheffield Park is known for its extensive and sumptuous gardens - in Oz, perhaps, better known for the Sheffield Shield. 

The overcast skies seemed to highlight the green of the trees and the colours of the flowers. We spent the best part of two hours wandering the many parts of this magnificent garden. 

This year the garden is commemorating the Candanian soldiers who were housed here from 1941-1944, and their participation in many of the great battles of WWII.  It brought back thoughts of Helene’s father who also was stationed a short distance away during the same period. 
Rain still falling as we drove through the Ashdown Forest on our way to Dover to catch the ferry to France. 

Monday, 28 May 2018

West Sussex

Another early getaway! We woke early and decided to get on the road and head southward towards Dorking. We had breakfast and did a little housekeeping.

Later we drove into Crawley where we need to shop before continuing on to Nymans Garden at Handcross. 

Another beautiful day with the temps getting up around  26 degrees, with a cooling breeze off the South  Downs providing sound relief. It’s now late in the afternoon and another thunderstorm is threatening. 

It was getting late in the day so we decided to drive in to Ardingly where we were staying the night at the Gardiner’s Arms. The sun was still high in the sky so we soak in the golden rays whilst enjoying a cool drink. 

Sunday, 27 May 2018

London - Hanwell

Overnight we experienced an enormous electrical storm. It appeared that it went on forever. In the van it sounded as if you were in the eye of the storm. Fortunately I slept through most of the turmoil with the bulk of the worry was handed on to Helene. By morning the storm had cleared and the ground had totally dried out. 

After breakfast we walked across to the Hanwell Zoo. Easy walking though some well used parklands before we arrived at the zoo. Not the largest zoo but a neat little zoo and very popular with families. We were greeted inside the gate with an aviary of budgerigars of all colours. Took us back to our travels in the outback of  Oz  where flocks of hundreds would love to race you as you drive along. The flamingoes were the next favourites, with meerkats and kunekune pigs being interesting animals to see. 

We later walked through Brentwood Park, past the viaduct and through the village of Hanwell before returning to the van. 

Later we met with Maddie, and then went for the afternoon at Kevan’s brother’s house for a barbecue. There we met Allan and Kathy, and their two little ones, Jack and Emma. What a lovely family, lovely company and great food. We had a most enjoyable afternoon before returning to Maddie and Kevan’s house for some supper. 

How cute is cute! Emma and Kathy.

At Maddie’s she showed us how the Hello Fresh food system works. Very interesting!  

Back home and in bed by 10 pm. 

Saturday, 26 May 2018


An early rise this morning in an attempt to beat the London traffic - a venture that cannot be achieved! Nevertheless, with a 5.10 am start we didn’t do a bad job. 
The drive in on the M4 encountered long patches of fog proving to be a little precarious. 

Later in the morning we caught up with Maddie before going off to “the largest beer garden in London” in Ealing. We were joined later by Jim and Kevan and we spent a most enjoyable afternoon in the 26 degree sun. 
It was interesting to see that a wedding reception was being held in the beer garden at the same time as the regular clients were enjoying the day. 

Later in the evening we went to a lovely Thai restaurant with Maddie and Kevan. Very tasty meal too.  

Friday, 25 May 2018

Tredegar - Never too far from your next drink!

Well, the Welsh and English weather has stayed with us today - rained non-stop! But, like the food soldiers we are, we battled on!

We thought that the motorways in the south of Wales and around Cardiff may have been a little less hectic that further east, but not to be And the rain didn’t help. 

We had planned to visit Westbury Court  Garden in Gloucestershire but decided against it because of the inclement weather, but we did stop and visit the Morgan linked property of Tredegar, just south of Newport in Wales. 

There had been a house on site since medieval days with the current house tracing its appearance to the Seventeenth century. The house history, again, mirrors so many other wealthy homes with fortunes earned and lost. 

One of the later Morgans kept hiss bath full of wines believing  that you should never too far from your next drink!

We later passed from Wales back to England via the Severn Bridge.