Sunday 12 August 2018

London-Abbots Ann

A very quiet night in Hanwell. During the morning we joined Maddie at a small coffee place in Hanwell before venturing off to see some houses she and Kevan were interested in.  

Kevan met us a little later and then we made our way to Ealing for some lunch at a rather special burger place. 

On the way there,  we came across the Thurkkai Temple of Ealing's chariot festival. This Hindu chariot festival originated in Jagannatha Puri on the east coast of India and dates back over 2,000 years. 

Today we saw three large, brightly coloured “chariots”, being led through the streets accompanied by musicians.
Worshippers in traditional costumes followers the chariots. Spectators carried plastic baskets filled with offerings, such as fruit and coconut halves, for the gods.

We had a very tasty burger for lunch. Then we walked back to Hanwell, met James to hand over a case of our clothes before leaving for Abbotts Ann to visit our friend Fran. 

Leaving London on a Sunday afternoon we thought would be an easy task!  The traffic was horrendous but with some rerouting from Google Maps we were able to miss the worst of it. 

After a slow trip we arrived safely at Abbotts Ann where we spent the very pleasant night with Fran. 

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