Sunday, 5 August 2018

Lazy Day in Grenay

Our decision to spend a lazy day in Grenay was very profound!  Nothing like a fine, sunny Sunday to spend relaxing in a very peaceful environment. Spent some time chatting with a Spainish family, who were on their way to Corsica - too hot for us! They had some interesting views on Brexit.

We took an early morning walk around the village, noticing the remains of the highly industrial period of this town. Many old tailing-hills surround the landscape, the leftovers from 60 years of coal mining in the town. 

This area was also at the front line of the trench warfare along the western front in 1914-1918. The war cemeteries in the area are a sad testament to this conflict. 

We are very tempted, at this stage, to spend another day here - it is such a relaxing place! And, the friterie man comes back from holidays tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely spot you have under the trees in Grenay. Does the friterie man make some sort of fritter, must tell me about him!! xx
